Should you worry about cancer in your coffee?

There’s an agenda going on to get everything we eat, drink, or use labeled with cancer warnings. And they’re succeeding. Technically EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE has some potential of harming us. Coffee is no exception. In spite of all the official medical proof we have from the past 15 years stating how beneficial coffee can be in…

The Truth About The Term Coffee Acidity

  First, let’s go with the obvious. What people think coffee acidity actually refers to…PH level. Coffee acidity does NOT refer to the PH level of the coffee, but understanding coffee’s PH level may help you understand coffee acidity a bit better. The PH level tells us if a liquid is more acidic or base….

A Random Thought on What We Know of Coffee

A Random Thought on What We Know of Coffee A recent comment by a friend got me to thinking. He said he drinks coffee and commented on how first coffee was wonderful, then it was bad, and now it’s good for you again. He suggested that no one really knows. I’ve had this very thought…